Free Wi-Fi service in Okinawa Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi

01Use Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi

What is Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi?

Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi

What is Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi?

Okinawa Prefecture is in the process of developing a free public wireless LAN (free Wi-Fi), Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi, in cooperation with private operators, to enable domestic and foreign tourists to gather information about Okinawa at any time and to transmit Okinawa's attractions to the rest of the world.

OpenRoaming compliant public Wi-Fi infrastructure has been installed.


OpenRoaming compliant public Wi-Fi infrastructure has been installed.

Be.Okinawa Free Wi-Fi develops and provides OpenRoaming compliant public Wi-Fi infrastructure.
OpenRoaming is a global seamless connectivity platform promoted by the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA). By registering a certificate on a device, it can automatically connect to multiple OpenRoaming-enabled Wi-Fi networks, protecting the security of the wireless section.

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